Readings from Jesus Alive in Our Lives, by Philip St. Romain. Ave Maria Press, 1985. Contemplative Ministries, Inc. 2011. Part Three, Gift of the Spirit Chapter 5: Charismatic (Ministry)
Gifts - Selected quotes Generally, what we discover is that there are a few charisms that are habitually called forth from us; we find ourselves drawn to exercise them again and again, so much so that they eventually suggest a calling or even a vocation of some kind. How can you tell
what these charisms are? The CSI emphasizes three criteria: 1. When you express this gift, you feel energized and close to God. 2. Your exercise of the gift produces results (e.g., healers heal, teachers communicate, administrators bring order, etc.) 3. The
Christian community validates your gift through positive feedback and by calling upon you for its exercise. All three of these criteria are important. It’s not enough, for example, to say that you really like to perform a certain work; the results that ensue must also be considered. You might like praying for healing, for example, but if people are not healed because of your ministry,
it’s doubtful that you have a gift of healing. CSI provides and inventory and discernment process to help one recognize charisms. If you’re interested in obtaining their work, check out their web site: There are other inventories on the web, some of which provide an interactive form to do a quick survey online. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America has a good one. See to try it out. Know, however, that a quick test like this one is no substitute for observing what actually happens in your life. Discussions with a spiritual director can also help to discern charisms. Questions for
Reflection and Discussion
1. What have been some of your experiences with charismatic gifts? 2. What gifts have become habitual expressions in your life? 3. How does it feel when others with charismatic gifts minister to you? Give
examples. 4. What gift(s) are you trying to discern at this time? How can you “experiment” to see if the gift is given to you?
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