Readings from Jesus Alive in Our Lives, by Philip St. Romain. Ave Maria Press, 1985. Contemplative Ministries, Inc. 2011. Part Three, Gift of the Spirit Chapter 2: Jesus' Teachings on the Holy
Spirit - Selected quotes Fourth Teaching: Jn. 16:7-8 The Spirit will . . . - Prove the world wrong about
sin - Prove the world wrong about righteousness - Prove the world wrong about judgment A. Wrong about sin. Here we see the contrast between the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of the world, which rationalizes sin and has
enculturated sinful practices in many ways. The entire thrust of the Spirit is diametrically opposed to the ways of sin and exposes such whenever it comes upon them. Believers will notice this direction in their own hearts as they feel an aversion to sinful ways. B. Wrong about righteousness. It is the Spirit who makes us righteous and transforms us into likenesses of Christ.
The world, here, refers to those cultural traditions that promise happiness and success, but which turn out to be empty promises. The Spirit sees where things come from and where they go and warns us against pursuing false pathways to happiness. C. Wrong about judgment. God does not judge as the world does, but sees the heart of an individual. Sometimes what the world sees on the
outside, the Spirit, viewing the inside, sees as perversion. Sometimes the opposite is true as well—what the world deems worthless, the Spirit considers priceless. This is especially true of a heart that is humble and open to the Spirit’s guidance. How do you experience the Spirit in you, providing guidance about the harmful ways of the world? What aspects of
the culture does the Spirit move you to value?
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