-Readings from Jesus Alive in Our Lives, by Philip St. Romain. Ave Maria Press, 1985. Contemplative Ministries, Inc. 2011. Part Three, Gift of the Spirit Chapter 1: Overview - Selected quotes In planning these presentations, I plotted out many organizational schemes, most of them developing the topic in a rather logical, systematic manner. While it’s certainly possible to present the material that way, after awhile it just didn’t feel right. When I studied my reactions,
what I noticed was that my own experience and education concerning the Holy Spirit has been anything but straightforward through the years. I was reminded of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, where he states, “the wind blows where its pleasure takes it, and the sound of it comes to your ears, but you are unable to say where it comes from and where it goes; so it is with everyone whose birth is from the Spirit” (Jn.3:8). What I’ve learned from this passage is that the Spirit works with us on many levels at once, and that it’s generally impossible to “organize” what’s going on into systems and stages without considerably distorting the reality. That’s kind of what it’s felt like writing these chapters as well: inspirations and enthusiasm for one aspect of life in the Spirit would come at one point, then something seemingly unrelated would follow.
Things just didn’t flow in an orderly manner, so I finally quit trying to force things into that mold. If Jesus says that no one can predict where those born of the Spirit come from and where they go, then how much more the kinds of thought processes prompted by the Spirit? This is not a bad thing, however, for while the Spirit doesn’t seem to be opposed to reasoning and logical
approaches, She’s not especially enamored of them either. She (and I use the feminine pronoun at times as it resonates with several Old Testament references to the Spirit) seems to much prefer working on many levels at once, and of keeping one just a little off-balance in the process. Control is not a high priority for the Spirit, but organization that enhances creativity is. Problem is, sometimes, we mistake the former for the latter and that’s what I don’t want to do in these
presentations. So I will jump around a bit—actually, a lot. If it doesn’t hang together or seem to flow from one thing to the next, well, trust your perception, for it will be correct! Nevertheless, I am confident that, on the whole, we will cover the relevant topics and explore the important issues.
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