From Pathways to Serenity, 1989, Liguori Publications; reprinted by Contemplative Ministries, Inc., 2013 (Minor editing applied.)
Included in Light for the Christian Journey, 2020: Contemplative Ministries, Inc.
II. Awareness
6. Take on a gentle, loving presence, now. (A consciousness focusing phrase.)
7. Do not project past or present joys and sorrows into the future. Leave the future open in hope, and you will remain in reality.
8. Miracles, miracles everywhere!
Your smile, your face, the sun in your hair.
The stars at night, the ground under feet;
The water you drink, the food that you eat;
Birds and sky and sea and breeze,
Lovers and children, flowers and trees.
Everywhere miracles: all around!
Open your heart, feel their sounds.
9. Just be here now with God; there’s no need for a fixed agenda — this is always enough!