Faith is a habit of mind, which begins eternal life in us, and induces a reasonable assent to things unseen. (St. Thomas Aquinas [13th C]: Disputations Concerning Truth, 14, 2)
and. . . By faith the Christian soul enters, as it were, into marriage with God: "I will espouse thee to me in faith {Hos. 2, 20}." (St.
Thomas Aquinas: Exposition of the Apostles' Creed) (Consider the great gift that faith really is and what it makes possible. Pray the grace to grow in faith.) |
EPH 3:14-21; PS 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19 LK 12:49-53 Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; a father will be divided against his son and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law against her
Praying the Daily Gospels: A Guide to Meditation, by Philip St. Romain, 2018 (3rd ed.) Luke 12: 49-53 (The fire of Christ)
“Peace at any price” is not a slogan a Christian should adopt as a guiding principle. Although it is true that Jesus is often called the Prince of Peace, we must realize that the peace he brings cannot exist outside of the context of truth and love. Some people will not recognize truth, others will reject love; therefore, Christians ought to expect
persecutions. • ‘If you want peace, work for justice” is a slogan adopted by the U.S. Catholic bishops. Do you agree with this slogan? Why? Why not? • Has your Christian faith brought divisions in your family? If so, what can you do to remain related to family members without compromising your
Treatise on the Love of God, by St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) ____________ BOOK III: OF THE PROGRESS AND PERFECTION OF LOVE Chapter 4: Of holy perseverance in sacred love Even as a tender mother, leading with her her little babe, assists and supports him as need requires, letting him now and then venture a step by himself in less dangerous and very smooth places, now taking him by the hand and steadying him, now taking him up in her arms and bearing him, so Our Lord has a continual care to conduct his children, that is such as are in charity; making them walk before him, reaching them his hand in difficulties, and bearing them himself
in such travails, as he sees otherwise insupportable unto them. This he declared by Isaias saying: I am the Lord thy God, who take thee by the hand, and say to thee: fear not, I have helped thee. So that with a good heart we must have a firm confidence in God, and his assistance, for if we fail not to second his grace, he will accomplish in us the good work of our salvation, which he also began working in us both to will and to accomplish, as the holy Council of Trent assures
us. |